Variance Analysis In Project Management

Project variance analysis is an important technique that allows project teams to constantly compare planned performance with actual project data. Hence, it assists project teams in identifying and analysing deviations in project performance. In simple terms, variance analysis is the variation between plan and actual project performance. It further helps to identify causes and assess severity of deviation. Read More

Sequence Activities Tools and Techniques

While developing the project schedule it is imperative that all activities that relate to project success are clearly identified. These identified activities are then analysed for relationships that exists among them so that a well-structured and a logically correct schedule network diagram can be established. Dependencies and logical relationships help to establish the relationships among various project activities. Read More

Summary Task In MSP and WBS Differences

Microsoft project allows users to group project activities into what is known as summary tasks. It is a useful tool that can be used to organize project activities. However, there are some do’s and don’ts associated with the use of summary tasks like duration and resources are not assigned to a summary task. Many people refer to MSP summary task as project work breakdown structure (WBS), which is incorrect. Read More